Are you looking for a classic and timeless bag to go with everything? Chanel classic flap would be ideal but not everyone can shell out thousands of pounds on that beautiful bag. However I think that Chanel bag style and class can be achieved at a smaller budget but with no compromise on style or quality. Here are some alternatives that are available now from other brands which will give you that Chanel timeless style but without the price tag.

Saint Laurent Envelope Bag

This bag has similar shape and style to the Chanel but has a YSL logo at the front. That will satisfy that logo cravings and the chain of the bag is also nice and chunky to add some glamour to ever look. This bag goes with literally all outfits.

Saint Laurent Sunset bag

Similarly, this bag has a classic look and shape and will go well with any outfits. Both of those Saint Laurent bags are well under two thousand pounds which is a nice change after Chanel prices. 

Gucci Small Marmont Matelasse bag

Another timeless style however slightly more trendy and young I would say. This bag has the Gucci logo and a chunky chain as well as the Chanel counterpart but again it is much kinder to the wallet. It comes in many seasonal colours as well as the classic ones, same as all the other mentioned bags.

Tory Burch Kira chevron bag

This bag is under five hundred pounds and has the same successful formula- logo on the flap, chevron style and a shoulder chain. What's not to love at this price! This bag can easily become your every day companion.

Rebecca Minkoff Edie bag

This is a similar style and formula to the all above mentioned bags but at fraction of the price , Rebeca Minkoff is delivering quality and style that is timeless for everyone to afford. Again the chevron style, signature hardware and chain make this bag timeless. 

All mentioned bags come in many colours. I think it is great to have a classic black bag as well as neutral. Both will match all outfits. A bag in some other colour is optional depending if you can style  it easily with other pieces in your wardrobe. 

Bags in the style of Chanel 

Chanel bags

Chanel dupes
