I love fashion and all the designer things, what I love even more is to buy them at a discounted price. Some brands have decided to reduce prices after a while on certain items, don't worry they are still making money, it's part of their marketing and financial strategy. What are the best places to buy designer clothes and bags at a discount?
My number one destination is Outnet.com where you can find many mid range items but also super brands like YSL, Gucci, Valentino etc. at a slightly discounted price. It is good to check it often as the hottest items sell out in minutes. By that I mean Gucci or YSL bags or similar type of items. If they are there it's only a matter of seconds before they are gone so you have to be ready if you want to strike ! Outnet has many similar brands as Net-a-porter.com when they go on sale. It is a great site if you are looking for some gems.
Another very tempting favourite , however for midrange fashion is Fashionette which is full of very interesting bags like Michel Kors, Coach, YSL and many more. They often have coupon codes they might send you by email with a discount or a flash sale. That can be very tempting, you have been warned!
Many brands create special lines that are available in outlets in places like Bicester Village and if you are happy to make that trip you can get many great deals. Personally, I prefer to buy everything online as it saves lots of time and effort , if you don't like it, you can always return which is very easy and convenient. The only problem is that it might just be a bit too easy and tempting to resist!
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