These are the easiest and fluffiest pancakes that even the biggest kitchen dummy can make. Me included! Theses are super easy, fluffy pancakes that will cheer you up if you have no other ideas on what to cook.
You will need only 4 ingredients:
2 bananas
3 eggs
1 tea spoon of baking powder
2 cups of oats/ or protein powder (I only used oats)
Blend everything in a blender, that should create a perfect consistency for the pancakes. If it is too tick add a bit of nut milk of choice, if it's a bit too thin, add a bit more oats but usually it should be just perfect.
Heat up and oil a pan and pour the mixture to form each pancake. Fry 2-3 mins on each side until they become golden.
And that's it! they are ready to serve with jam, yoghurt of any other topping of your choice.
Any remaining pancakes (it should be 8-9 pancakes from those ingredients) you can cool down and put into a container in the fridge for the next day or even a day after.
Pancake recipes
easy pancakes
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