Jade rollers and rose quartz rollers as well as gua sha have recently gained popularity. But do they really work? Here is my experience with the jade roller- does it really do what it claims it will do?
Jade roller is a small beauty investment that I decided to make after hearing all the hype. I thought it might be a good idea to reduce puffiness that can sometimes occur in the morning. Jade has a cooling effect as the stone is naturally cool and doesn't even require a fridge (maybe unless you are in the tropics) so it definitely has a very pleasant cooling effect when rolling it gently under your eyes (with the smaller roller). That really helps with puffiness and is very relaxing.
It is also supposed to stimulate lymphatic drainage or in other words remove the excess water retention from your face which can be caused by many reasons. The excess water can cause unwanted lumps and bumps on the face which are not very appealing if we want that sharp and smooth look. The roller will definitely help with that too. Remember to use it in upwards motions on your cheeks, try five times on each cheek and then repeat until you get bored. Or relaxed ;-) This , I must say, works for me. I have noticed my face is lifted and more 'aligned' in terms or all tissues going back to their place rather then being a bit puffy. So we already have two 'ticks' from the list.
Another thing is increasing circulation- yes, it will definitely do that as you will see immediately your skin getting red , don't worry , it goes away quickly.
Another benefit is rolling out your frown muscles. My forehead can get a bit 'stressed out' and worried which causes some extra strength in the frown muscles. I use the roller to massage them and it helps relaxing them. Tick!
I cannot say anything about collagen productions I can't measure that but overall it is a good investment in great addition to your beauty routine. I can see a difference and I enjoy using it. If it helps , even if just a bit , it is worth it.
Should you use oil or cream with your roller? Personally I just use it without anything on my skin at all, just after washing my face , either morning or evening, I roll around a bit depending on how much time and enthusiasm I have that day , and then I apply my normal skincare.
How often to use your roller? I think it depends on each person. I will not force myself if I don't want to or I am feeling a bit off. I think you can see immediate effects (puffiness reduction) and tissues lift , so if I feel like I need a bit off a boost , then I use it. Also if I feel tension on my forehead, then I will try to relax it with my roller.
So overall conclusion- I am happy with my roller and it achieves a great result with a minimum effort from me, perfect!
Jade roller review
jade roller opinions
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